Principal photography on The Messengers: A Podcast Documentary began on May 19, 2016.
The first interview was conducted with Lee Silverstein of The Colon Cancer Podcast. Lee is living with Stage 4 colon cancer, and his story was both touching and inspirational. The crew was genuinely moved by his message, and by the daily love notes he leaves his wife, Linda.
The filmmakers were lucky to catch world traveler Lily Wong of Fly With Lily while she was staying on St. Pete Beach. Lily believes that anything is possible, and that positivity rubs off on everyone she comes into contact with. The story of how she overcame a deep personal betrayal is one of the most powerful in the film.
The next interview was with Gabe Aluisy of Private Club Radio, which was recorded at Black Diamond Ranch, one of the most beautiful golf courses in the world. The natural beauty of the surroundings and the setting sun provided stunning visuals.
For the last location shoot, the crew interviewed the man who turned Chris Krimitsos on to the world of podcasting in the first place, Steve Cherubino of the EDM Podcast. The crew was amazed to learned that Steve can play piano, drums and guitar, and virtually anything else he gets his hands on!
Behind-The-Scenes Trivia
Podcasting v. Radio
Early in the production process, the filmmakers knew that no story about podcasting as an emerging medium could be complete without at least addressing the traditional radio side of the equation. Luckily, radio veteran (and podcaster, too) P. Desmond Adams was available to speak to radio’s role in the development of podcasting, and provided sharp contrast to Libsyn’s Rob Walch.