Puerto Rico
The crew reached out to Kate Erickson of Entrepreneur on Fire (EOFire) to record her and Founder John Lee Dumas in their new home in Puerto Rico. Kate accepted and the next challenge presented itself. The trip would cost around $5,000 between airfare, lodging and meals. This would take 25% of the entire IndieGoGo budget, thus limiting any future travels that would be needed.
Instead of seeing a challenge, Chris Krimitsos saw an opportunity and invited four individuals to join them on the trip. These four VIPs all had an interest in meeting John and Kate and had expressed a desire to support the movie.
Happily, every one of them said yes! They invested $1,000 each and became top-level contributors to the film! And that’s how the crew grew with Tyler Sheff (The Cash Flow Guys podcast), Nick Snapp (Make It Snappy podcast), Jamie Meloni (That Business Show), and James Van Prooyen (Ragnar Life podcast). As a thank you, Chris invited the spouses and kids of the crew to come along and everyone had a blast in Puerto Rico!
The trip became an inadvertent Mastermind* for the podcasters who went, as they would gather nightly to compare notes on their respective podcasts and the challenges they’d faced in growing their audiences and monetizing via different sources. These sessions were absolutely electric, and frequently lasted until 2 a.m. Upon returning home, the contributors converted the lessons learned from their discussions into massive growth in both audience and revenue, making those thousand dollar investments into the film literally worth many, many times that.
* A Mastermind is a peer-to-peer mentoring group that helps challenge an individual’s thinking and troubleshoot any challenges an individual might have.
Behind-The-Scenes Trivia
Paying It Forward
For the Danny Peña segment, we interviewed a young lady named Yamilia Avendano whose gaming blog site, Twinfinite.net, Danny helped get launched by introducing her to gaming industry leaders. Satisfied that they had a nice piece of footage illustrating the spirit of community inherent in podcasting, the crew offhandedly asked how many people visit her site, and were stunned when she said over 13 million per month! You just never can tell the power of paying it forward!